tracey garamone: well, i was in fairly good physical shape. i take vitamins that are equal to, if not better than prenatals, so i was set up for that. the most important thing is the folic acid so that was in place. caffeine i had already cut out of my system a couple years ago so that was easy. but alcohol, definitely, you know, came to a halt, because we are social drinkers and we do love wine tasting and things of that nature. so... it'll come back. overindulgence is not going to work, whether we eat too much red meat, even though it's good for iron, if we eat too much of anything, it's not going to be good for us. so again, use logic in deciding how you handle your pregnancy. i needn't tell you, i needn't tell anybody that alcohol's not going to be good in pregnancy. i needn't tell anyone that using illicit drugs is not going to be healthy for your pregnancy. because ultimately that baby, if the mom uses regularly enough and in high enough quantity, the baby will become dependent on the drug in the same way that an adult would. in the wall