"ct" represented an illness called tracomma. it city customers, it maid the underside of your eyehis as sandpaper. it was highly contagious and incurable. they had to check the eyes. they would use button hooks and they wee catch your eyelid and look to see if the telltale signs of exttra coma were there. it didn't mean you were automatically sent back. it did mean that down these hallwa hallways, they will take you to individual medical exam rooms. all of these initials were about making this process more official. they didn't have the time to give you a thorough exam, but the doctors down the hall could look at you and check you out most special. the vast majority it would be no problem. the man with the stubbed toe, he'll be treated and come back out here. for some, it may mean an internment in the hospital of days weeks, even months. for some i said it may mean the doctor's report will rule in fact they need to be sent back. this is step one in the process. as they walked into this room, as terrifying as this moment keg, you