joining us now is tracy anderson. so much for joining us. >> thank you so much for having me. olivia: this is great news that you will be streaming the master classes. so that they can have a front row seat in your master classes. >> very true. olivia: is the future of fitness online? >> i was very careful for many years. technology moves great and science is great and it moves fast. i stay right at the forefront. all of that knowledge as we learn, is super valuable to me. however, sometimes we have to slow ourselves down especially me as a focused expert in my lane. where can my expertise in technology and wherever we are really serve the people in the right way. i am all about doing things in the right way. when i say that i can really come into your life and help change your body and help you feel more connected to yourself, i mean it. the fastest avenue is for me to connect with you. to me, it is very exciting that we have the power of the internet to be able to say i have waiting lists for my studios. i have wait