i'm tracy collins live on i-10. >> thank you very much. find the latest with debby. let's go to stevie. >> as house lawmakers prepare for the contempt vote against eric holder, they are condemning the vote that they call politically driven. >> this reckless and morally reprehensible act that's being proposed on thursday is certainly engineered and motive ated by politics. >> this is motivated by politics, base politics, base anti-civil rights politics, the men who are persecuting eric holder in this way are the same men who have attempted to tie the hands of his department, to protect our voting rights, to stop racial profiling and to protect the rights of workers. >> joining us right now is fox news legal analyst peter johnson jr. and you saw a picture of the attorney general and brian terry who died as a result of fast & furious. >> i think that's appropriate and it puts into our minds what the real question of the day is, who is the real victim of fast & furious? brian terry? or the attorney general. if you listen to mr. reverend around