supervisor mar: with the shoestring budget you are trying to operate -- tracy rosenfeld give us some numbers saying you got a $700,000 grant from the department of technology. is that separate from the 170,000 you're laying out for us? the second question is why did it take a year before a meeting was allowed with video alliance, which i think is a representative group of many local and small media producers. why did it take so long? explain a little bit more of your numbers to counter what she said. >> $170,000 a year is our operating budget. that grant comes from the department of technology just for operating expenses. because of the statewide franchise agreement, which partly requires that capital and operating are separate from the franchise fees of $2.10 million total to the city of san francisco from comcast are split between p&g. those can only be used for capital expenses. we request but would like to spend those capital funds on. when she refers to a potential of $695,000 a year for capital, that only can be used for hardware, rent, physical objects like servers and equipme