as news4's tracy wilkins explains, it benefits rotc students who attend historically black colleges andrsities in maryland. i'm sure our son is watching from above and saying, ya t >> reporte collins family learned to find life 'silver lining since the murder of their son second army lieutenant richard today is another example of that. >> it's difficult to see goodness through the tears of grief and heartache. >> reporter: 18 months ago collins, a university student days from graduation, w stabbed to death on the campus of the university of maryland. umd student sean urbanski is facing possibleate crime charges and murder as well. a number of delays, urbanski's trial is expected to begin in january. >> our son, as you allheard, was the light. that's whatki we're l for justice. >> reporter: today was not about his tragic deaut legacy and a promise made to his mother at his funera me andtor miller, hug say i promise it will not be in vain. >> reporter: maryland state senate preildent miker sceated the $1 million state-funded rotlarship that bears collins' name. >> this is going to make ce