we we're talking with tracye mcdaniel about some of the assets the state has. but we have challenges right? >>yeah >>but in spite of that you've always been bullish. why? >>well we've been in this state for 100 years. new jersey manufacturers insurance company. and we have more scientists and engineers per square mile in the state of new jersey than anywhere else in the world. that tells you something about the assets here in the state. and we all know those of us who live and work here what a great location it is. so there are plenty of attributes to sell here in the state of new jersey and we see companies very interested. and the type of talent we have here they have to go where the talent is they can't produce what they need to produce in their own business sector without talent we have it here we have a great location and you know the other things we're working on and they see things going in the right direction. so what we need to do is get in front of business decision leaders site selectors, and tell them remind them, about the attributes here in the st