part of the program, what are some of the things that you think we can do to try to promote the tradi betwn our two untrs? you say a lot of business people go to china because it is closer geographically, the language, the culture, but a lot of people may not know about your beautiful country. what can we do on our part to try to promote that relationship? >> we are already doing one of the two things, using the mass media. sending tv groups is another way to promote. one problem usually for the taiwanese people, they will look for ron material. -- for ron material. -- for raw material. how can we create a value for our product if you do not have interest in our country? we need to say i am going to produce this product in your country. those who invest in our country are going to create a value added for our product. this is the problem, people just look to buy. in the long-term. >> we need to take the first break on our program. when we come back we will continue this fascinating conversation with the director of the commercial office of the sultanate of oman in taiwan area -- in taiwan.