industrial processes, tranortation, residential and commercial activities -- banning some of the barometers of carbon gasses. [ inaudible ] small non-nation, even the poor cannot escape from the impact of climate change. lord speaker, the security and civility of our nations of the commonwealth land is in jeopardy of our people, of our prosperity, of our health and safety. and the time to address this is now. lord speaker, the problems that we are facing today are monumental and the problems can be resolved by man. creating awareness on the causes and the effects and the solution to climate change, investing in reforestation of our forests, investing in restoration of our ecosystem, river basin and development of renewable energy are some of the ways we can do to reduce climate change. our lord speaker, with those few remarks i beg to support motion. >> indeed. lady here. thank you. >> thank you, lord speaker. i'm quite baffle lord speaker, frankly, by the term marrity of some in th chamber who do not support this motion. because i believe that 100% reduction of carbon emissions by 2050 is