you should have the co's of halliburton, bp, and trans ocean sitting here. what you should be trying to do is to get to the bottom of the ocean. you should be trying to find out what happens, why were those workers help, why was the environment harm, why wasn't the fishing industry helped, what nerve to those companies have to change this shift -- safety procedures text bring them in here and set it up as an example to let the world know it will never happen again in the united states. we will know you're serious. we will know you want to get to the bottom of the ocean when you have them sitting here. we're going to go through the whole two years and that is not going to happen. this woman sits here as a diversion, a red herring. we might as well put in an aquarium here because we have so many red herrings. this woman is just your, unfortunately, as part of your plan to have 149 votes on the house floor for the oil and gas industry and none to help wind and solar. two people loan guarantees, $18 billion for nuclear and zero out the loan guarantees for wind a