about, that’s how you ask, what is russia about, and what are all brands about, for example, transmarsholding company, we just saw it on the forum yesterday, but we need very different ones from different industries to glue together this common brand of russia, yes, that these are not bast shoes, not raw materials, not nesting dolls, but this is a future-oriented platform for freedom, they proposed creating this very committee of the seventh industry workers, yes, there is, look, rsp, opora and so on, there will be no additional regulation some kind of bureaucratic. we will do it together with them, because for example we have industry associations, in addition to general general unions, but they are about something else, they solve current issues, in general in russia we have branding, marketing, and marketization, work with consumers, it is so underinvested, we had , we do not have a set-up of apartments of international companies , well, except for the russian ones themselves, so this topic has always lagged a little behind us, here we need to pay attention and time to this... and to us, y