range, but fundamentally what people failed to realize is the mobile phone, all it is is a radio transmate mitter. you transmit your words and anyone can have a radio with a larger bandwidth, and listen. that's all it is. tony blair didn't have one of these because it just is so easy for anyone to listen in. >> i've been asked to put the next question to you. i understand that when you were growing up, you believed your fellow's telephone was asked and asked to suggest to you there's an irony between that fact and the willingness of journalists to intercept conversations. do you see an irony there? >> well, my father was a journalist, and he used to receive phone calls from campaigns, and he was looking after the fact that there could be a way to kick start the war, and, you know, my parents at the time saying their phones were hacked. what joy it was that you know in the snows you could spend 50 qid on a spanner and hack conversations, and my understanding of it was it was not illegal, and do we really want to be in a world where the only people who can do the hacking are mi-5 and mi-6? for a br