stroke, even spinal cord transsections. now one of the interesting things about it, this progress again is involved finding out more about the location of specific neurological diseases. its location, location, location that counts in the brain. and the history of how we localize functions itself is so fascinating. it began around 1860 with paul broker. paul broker was interested in disorders of language. aphasias and much of what we learned about the early localization of functions came from studies of language disorders. broker encountered a very interesting patient one day. he had an aphasia, a language difficulty which took the form of the fact that the patient could not express himself very satisfactory in language. he could understand language perfectly well but he couldn't make himself understood. this is not simply a paralysis of the vocal cords, cohum perfectly well. moreover he couldn't write language. he just could not express himself in language. >> rose: but counder stand. >> he could understand perfectly well.