creating love, psychotherapyist bradshaw highlights the reality that the abused child often enters a transstate, one of hyper vigilance. in such a state, a child may experience panic attacks, overreaction or excessive worrying. he further states, a child with unresolved trauma is frozen in time. when any experience resembling the old trauma occurs, the old trauma is activated. according to bradshaw, abuse survivors learn that relationships are based on power control, secrecy, shame, isolation and distance. these traits accurately describe the way many black folks, female and male, think about relationships. anger and rage are often the primary emotions that are expressed in intimate relations between black people, thus intensifying and normalizing black on black emotional violence. i read that because i feel that we see in baldwin this incredible intellectual mind that still had soul healing he was not able to accomplish in his lifetime. i think that for black people who seek to live elsewhere, the alidurlnt thing is that you ..r you are. and that we have to make this country a place where our