(nat/safe)nat: openeng or closing safe(trarak 7)only two people know the combination one of whom is rob henry, junior, who supervises the medals unit. (sot/henry 12:44:10)"it's everlasting. // q: you'll be gone and they'll still have those medals? a: they'll still have those medals."(nat/ohio) nat: from ohio ceremony 145824 "for their service to our country"(track 8)(either video or stills; see courtesy info in emails)earlier this month, fulton county, ohio, presented 152 engraved bronze stars to world war two veterans and their families. (nat/ohio)nat: from ohio ceremony 141558 "john rimm" (track 9)only seven of ose veterans are still alive.they won the war, alright but vets, like these, who were never told they earned the medals, or who later lost them, are still in a battle --- with time,*and* a backlog. (gfx #1 in)(medals backlog by fiscal year (in months): fy11 - 4.5; fy12 - 5.58; fy13 - 3.55; fy14 - 2.63; fy15 - 4.06; source: us army)veterans are now waiting more than four months for their medals.delays are up sharplplfrom last year, after two asseseblers left the team.they have n