this is a an original warrant for the arrest of a lady named ana trasko. he was a witch. this is from salem. and they executed her. not only was she a witch, but she was pregnant and didn't have a husband. so she was taken and burned at the stake. now, what stopped that nightmare? religious people. the ministers, the ministers came and said, you are misreading the scriptures. this is an amazing "despotism in america." this basically describes the situation that we're in today. says there's a war coming. there's a war coming because there's a real problem. their problem there was vaifry. this book details american slavery in its worse. tell me these bad things can't happen in america. it's happened. it's happened twice. it just depends. these were witches. these were african-americans. but it doesn't end there. this is a book from 1864. this is at the end of the civil war. this book looks awfully darn familiar. i don't know if you can -- you can zoom in here. look at this picture. does this look familiar? this is the picture of a man who the malnourished who's in prison. d