my name is nikki trasvina and i disagree with the frida kahlo quick build.ot everybody rides a bike, seniors, students, families do not all ride bikes. and whenever it comes to taking parking away from san franciscans, i have to speak up. i've been associated with city college, along with my friends, family, colleagues for many, many years. i was a counselor and instructor at city and at san francisco state, where many, many students come from. city college and i know the profile of that student and those students are not rich kids, as you know, they're mostly poor kids, low income kids that are juggling school, juggling work, juggling responsibilities at home, maybe of their own children, or maybe their siblings. and they're helping their parents take care of the siblings. so these kids are running between school, work, family. they have many, many commitments, and they need to be able to park near the school. but this is not just the student issue. this is an issue for part time staff and part time faculty. as you might know, higher education has shifted a