travis brown runs "travis brown hate speech tracker" which uses a variety of proprietary methods to reveallly identifying information of private citizens who stray from the approved story line. now who pays for all of this? that is the question. well, the travis brown hate speech tracker is funded something called the prototype fund. here is the prototype fund describes the point of travis brown's project. "prominent right wing extremist account on twitter and facebook have developed a well-documented pattern to distribute original and extremist content to derick bowers and then -- archiving is an important factor, led to prominent victories in the fight against the supreme extreme right. extreme right, so not all hate speech is the same, and hate speech tracker does not target the -- only enemies of the biden administration and the guys at dabo's. how do they do it? brown's methods include automated software to save user account names and social media post long after they have been deleted so there is no hiding from these people. that appears to be a violation of twitter's terms of servic