>> while we wait, here's a portion of a recent program from our video library with bioethicist travis rieder and his own experience with opioids. >> how in the world did we get here, how did we get so messed up and it turns out i'm a researcher. that's what i've done for the last four years. i used to work on a bunch of other stuff, i don't do that anymore . i think about opioids, pain and the american healthcare system. we are not the only ones, a bunch of people are messed up, but we're number one in this instance . so there's a lesson in the book, i can't give you the fullversion of now but history teaches us a lot about this .one of the reasons we're so messed up his there's a pendulum when it comes to opioid attitude and it swingsback and forth . it started for longer than a lot of us think. it started 450 years starting with the invention of morphine and heroin and hypodermic needle and we swing back and forth between radical and grace in prohibition so how are we in this radically bad place how is pain medicine so broken ? because we're misusing, for 10, 15 years depending on your rea