. >> david turbyfill also lost his son travis. a metalworker, he's honoring the fallen firefighters in the best way he can. >> i did this design tuesday evening, after they perished. >> he says he could barely get through engraving travis' name. >> that's when it first hit me that they were gone because their names were down. there was no turning back. >> one letter at a time, he says, he came to terms with his loss. >> you can see a yellow flame as the letters are being cut. so, they died in fire and they are reborn in fire. >> david's hope is that the tragedy spurs a national conversation about how the country deals with wildfire. >> every accident we've had, there's a reason for this. in my mind the errors were made long before they ever went to the fire. >> anthony lowes, john merson jr. travis turbyfill, >> there's nobody in this country who would disagree with the proposition that we have the most well-trained wildfire firefighters probably in the world. but the problem with firefighters, they're their own worst advocates an