, other interpretations are more or less similar to the truth, the network did not offer, on trawlya bullfincho young idiots come to participate in putin, and one idiot is trying to join the team, follow orders, in general and have some sense of help and so on, as for the other, he turns out to be completely meaningless creature, he constantly has to be reminded to put on gloves so as not to tear his hands, so as not to stand in the trawl hole, so as not to be swept away by the fence, so as not to play music loudly, because people are sleeping, and not to swell in the shower for half an hour, because the watch is on from the shift, you still need to think about other people, what is for him... a completely unusual thing, of course , the team begins to slowly build him up and teach him responsibility, as happens in men's teams, even in a rather rude way, the film involves constant , actors, director boris khlebnikov, alexander robok, sergei nasetkin, the last role of evgeny sytov in this film, plus the involvement of timofey tribuntsev. from which not a single one of the latest important series