sorry, treetog, we're busy helping-- ooh! yes, treetog, yes! ha, ha, ha. we'll be there to help right away. bye. twigs! tom, the super helper badge. we need to help people, and treetog's the best person to help. but what about ariela's beetles? they're in this hay pen thingy, safe as-- whoa! well, safe enough, if we're quick. hmm, i suppose, if we're quick. yay! we'll get the super helper badge for sure. hee, hee! [ ] [humming] both: hi, treetog. ah, that was quick. you know us, treetog, always trying to be helpful. helpful, helpful, helpful. sounds like someone's trying to earn their ser helper badge. yep. then you can help me with my sap-root plant. [ ] [twigs gasps] cool! wowzers! i need you to feed it while i'm out gathering sunbeams. ding! [gasps] we could help you gather sunbeams too, treetog. feeding the sap-root will be helpful enough, thank you. what does it eat? trillicakes? thunder popcorn? ah, no, no. every time it whistles, you feed it one drop of magic sap. [whistles] [gasps] can i do it? can i? can i? canan? can i? please? of course. put one