. >> trello, basecamp.h, we don't have any project managers, only three people in our company, but every company has project. it's customer acquisition, you need to build out this room. >> can you just explain for people who this sounds like jibberish to them, what is project management software? >> absolutely. they're generally cloud-based applications, right. so they're easy to get connected to online. and frankly, j.j., they manage tasks. so listen, we want to hire a new sales guy. okay, there's 16 things we need to do. we need to place an ad, we need to write the ad, so you can assign those tasks to different people in your company or to yourself and then everything has got reminders and alerts to make sure they don't fall through the cracks. >> everyone sees what they're done and what the deadlines are. >> just my advice to you if you're going to do a project management application. first of all, the owner of the company, if that's you, you've got to buy into it and adopt it as a culture. put one perso