trenberth smart straw is used to fire boilers for a mini biogas c.h.p.t and he sounds those homes step by step the islanders became energy independent and entirely c o 2 neutral. geriatric nurse elizabeth hawk demonstrates how it works her shift begins every day with the same ritual unplugging her electric car. that has to be completely filling station is above us here on the roof so the cars are recharged from solar energy that's how easy it is. the local authorities switched to electric vehicles in 2013 cutting their outgoings to half of what diesel cost and reducing their carbon emissions to 0. twice or 3 times a day the nurse checks on the 87 year old good turn home at 1st it bothered miss home that she couldn't hear the car pull up anymore because it's entirely noiseless . but then i thought i don't care what they drive the important thing is that they come by. my all the islands projects are coordinated here and sam's energy academy in 1970 it was commissioned by the danish government to revolutionize energy use on. men and vision ship in the end w