this is the trendline from, let's see -- here's the trendline from you can see the red line is opposition to health care reform. you can see the blue line is support. and you can see the support line is relatively stagnant but you can also see the trendline is pretty good in terms of the decline in opposition. and what you get to at the very end of that line is 44% in opposition, 41% in support of the affordable care act. and that again is an average. here are the numbers on reform with intensity. the bad news in decline and opposition is that there's still -- there's more intensity in opposition to health care reform than there is intensity in support. and one of our goals is driving up the intensity in terms of support. so you can see that in the most recent abc news poll, 36% on the right are strongly opposed to the affordable care act compared to 25% who are strongly in favor of it. so the fact that support and opposition are pretty close overall with 45% in support and 50% opposed is masking the fact there's this 11-point difference in oppositio