the first shot was at trent kelly from mississippi, and it hit a link in the chain link fence and you can still go to the ballfield today and see the link broken and the bullet was headed straight to his head, and because of the chain link fence, that is a miracle of god. i'll just say one more because it's important to know god's presence so you can point it out. we can all talk about it. you know it, but you talk to friends that may don't understand or have that same conviction. and when you're explaining to them why it's so real, why the power of god's presence in prayer is so important, just remember those real-life examples of miracles. we've seen them throughout our lives, but i experienced them. you know, one of the miracles, i was being taken to george washington hospital in an ambulance at 7:15 in the morning in virginia traffic. i was about to bleed out. i had, by the way, zero blood pressure when i arrived at the hospital and most doctors will tell you, you're done. ey had to put 20 pints of blood in me. if they would have driven washington hospital, i never would have made