catholic medical center between may and august and that one is was rented from the minneapolis-based trento have a guest on our show that is going to tell us about this disease. i am not familiar with it. just how life-threatening if this disease? >> it is what is called a form of mad cow disease in the media. it is a disease that is based on an agent called a protein. it is unlike bacteria and viruses and unfortunately if you get at any start demonstrating symptoms of it, it is legal within a year. gerri: wow. this is a non-believable turn of events. the part that amazed me is the idea that this is common? >> well, it can be. whether it's rented equipment or equipment that you have in-house within your hospital. the problem with this agent, which is what caused this, it is very difficult to sterilize. almost or location technique -- many times it hassto be thrown out or they will have to undergo rigorous sterilization techniques which can damage this gerri: these bugs are so tiny that they can't get rid of them? >> don't think of them as bacteria or viruses, the proteins that can cause thi