vice president eppler thank you president trevino i agree that this is a you know there's almost almostan element of of splitting hairs considering what sort of music can and can't be allowed at different times and you know there's you know but it's a little little bit closer than i would have anticipated. however, i do respectfully disagree on on your reading of the code because i think that your reading of the code does two different things. one, it means that the entertainment commission cannot conditions on first time permit applications and i don't think that's what you intend but if we have to look you know solely to whether or not there's been a denial of previous permit applications or suspensions or revocations of a permit, then a first time permit, a player doesn't fall into any of those and certainly the permits are allowed to be conditioned less. secondly, i think that your rating means that it's not just the time limit that we have to get rid of but also the where people can line up the signage and that there's other conditions that were put into the permit and not strictly