. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> its an exciting day for us at green hills country club, because i'm with trevor millery we'll talk about distance. >> dance. >> it is a buzz word, how to get more distance out of the golf swing. >> you have to make the most of what you have. >> you wouldn't hurt me, will you? >> no, hope not. >> what do you do to achieve more distance? >> just don't waste power, we want to make sure we have as long an arm as we can, without breaking down our elbow, and doing what we can -- make sure we swing it as hard as we can, through the ball. >> a lot of people envy it, if i get another 20 yards, look out. okay, so what are we going to do first? >> all right, make sure, again we have to think about the golf swing being a giant circle going through our body. if we think about the club heed, we want to make sure we make the right circle, things that make it less than big, if we break down our arm the circle wouldn't get quite as big, so make sure as you take it back, you don't want anything too big or small. kind of think about if i was going to shake somebody's hand, pretty straight