instead, instead of these losers try the square root of 2, pi, trheven and while this is a made up number t has never won which means it's due. but abc news dug deeper. >> don't leave it to the machine. pick your own numbers. >> do not play quick pick. >> yes, a computer is just going to give you random numbers. but you have a random system. plus if you let the machine pick and you win legally you have to split your winnings with it. and you know he's just going to blow it on hookers and coke. so obviously this guy knows what he is talking about. but he's not the only one with a random chance at vice book. you want to buy my best-seller stephen colbert's how to win a coin toss every time. (laughter) this book, this book has been the winning ingredient in two of the last ten superboums. here's the secret. a coin has two sides. always pick heads if it's a president's head. never bet on sacajawea. the indian's lost the whole continent. they're to the going to win a coin toss. and obviously now, obviously i'm talking about american coins only. not canadian. they're metric. not sure how many s