they also examine you in places that they shouldn't they trichy of worse than a dog these are good they say that the gut takes his time but he never forgets. almost them as i hope that one day they will also have to go through this. i will trying to god and ask to give you hope and protection and that he protects all my gran's because i have seen how much they suffer. gentlemen i guess you all know why you're here today. i guess at this point in time america is going through some sad times and unfortunately feel. i'm sure we all share the same same feelings about what's going on with law enforcement border patrol v.h.s. highway patrol the list goes on at the mention our friend on a polytunnel it's quite obvious that our borders not secure as he'd like to make us believe that security all the time with obama and his bunch in office because they've got seem to have an agenda where where this open borders thing is exactly what they're looking to two of it's a foregone conclusion all these illegals are a future democratic vote next no white why would the fanti not want them in here. but thi