as another racially charged controversy is rocking buckingham palace, 20 now trisha ridge goddard, triciaand so that to see you. -- when you hear about what is, happened the repeated questioning by this woman, doubting that she could not really just have a heritage like some of the uk, or england, but wanted to know, that can't be true. we've seen this before, i know you and i have talked about this in the past, this feels like dÉjÀ vu, but the persistence of it. what do you think? >> well, it's something that many of us people of the color in uk, that was commonplace 25 or 30 years ago. i think i'm mistake has been being lulled into a false sense of security that those days are over. i was some two and a half million people of color, who see themselves as british, and you only have to look at our soccer teams for instance and the stars like marcus rashford, nobody asks him where he's really from when he scores a winning goal. and still a hangover from those, days and we have to remember, when we talk about institutional racism, you have to understand the royal family, elements of the cro