and i'm tricia kean. a group of neighbors is up in construction they say goes on at all hours, preventing them from sleeping. when you ask. we investigate. contact 13 investigative reporter stephanie zepelin is looking into how this is being allowed, and who's behind it. 00.00 ok it's 10:10 pm construction just started outside of our house 07 we got this video from a viewer of the construction behind her apartment. madine elamki says she's barely slept in months. and to make matters worse.... 00.21 this has been going on since september of 2015 24 im now six months pregnant 27 madina says the construction happens every night overnight, and occasionally during the day, too. 10.35.49 it's like i can't sleep at all 51 it's constant beeping 52 and it's just really really hard to wake up in the morning and try to just function during the day when have no sleep at all 36.01 11.20.19 one of the things that really annoys people living in those apartments is that the construction is taking place right behind their