really good to have within fire house iss to get rid of antibacterial soap which often contains triclocan, its said it is related to muscle weakness in animal studies so that would be something firefighters would be thinking about and also is related to of course cardiovascular problems for animals and cardiovascular diseases with regard to firefighters so just to get rid of antibacterial soap which doesn't work better than plain old soap and water. fire stations in california have much higher levels in their dust than do california residences or other kinds of industries like electronic breakdown industry or airplane industry, so you have high levels of this flame retardant in fire station, i don't think anybody knows where that's coming from but it would be interesting to do some kind of studies trying to figure out the sources of these so-called fire retardants, there is not enough in these chairs to stop fire, sitting on this chair would be like sitting on a bunch of geographic, be really uncomfortable and cost a lot, so i think there's a lot of interesting thing that is can happen in