i should emphasize in closing that especially in the time of budget in trinsic, it is developing. the difference between what the government charges and the cost of production is in the tens of billions of dollars a year. the gap is 17 billion a year. the money on drugs could be far better spent. we need more spent on diseases that matter. much of the difference in the cost of production and what is charged does not go into research but into advertising and marketing, and much of that is not spent to transmit information that would lead to better health but to decrease the elasticity of products. moving from a patent system to an effective price system, using the power of the medicines is a critical step in creating this more efficient innovation system. america is the most innovative country in the world, it has the best universities, attracting the best minds from around the world, but america also has the least efficient health care system in the world, spending in the advanced industrial countries spending more money per capita on the health care sector than any other country