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visit tripadvisor orlandondo tripadvisor not only has millions of real travelers reviews and opinions checks hundreds of websites so people can get the best hotel prices to plan, compare and book the perfect trip visit today >>> investigators knew that they had to identify the fingerprint on the pillowcase in order to solve dawn bruce's murder. the primary suspect in this case was one of dawn's neighbors, robert knight, who had a history of drug abuse. knight said he had an alibi, that he was with his girlfriend on the night of the murder. but his girlfriend said knight wasn't with her for the entire evening. >> the evidence indicated the crime occurred about between 3:00 and 4:00 roughly that saturday morning. he claimed to be with his girlfriend all night, but his girlfriend said, no, he was not with me for about that period of time between 3:00 and 4:00. >> the fingerprints on file for robert knight did not have enough ridge detail to determine if they matched the print on the pillowcase. knight voluntarily gave a second set of prints, but again it was not enough ri
visit tripadvisor orlandondo tripadvisor not only has millions of real travelers reviews and opinions but checks hundreds of websites so people can get the best hotel prices to plan, compare and book the perfect trip visit today it's >>> it's been 37 years since america had a triple crown winner and now american pharaoh is reigning supreme in the horse racing world. his value has skyrocketed and future is brighter and celebrations haven't stopped yet. robert frank joins us with more on what is next for the house that made history and family that hasn't stopped smiling. great story. i haven't stopped smiling either. >> it was such an inspirational race. he may be finished riding off into history last weekend but not riding off into the sunset. american pharaoh will appear in at least two or three more races this year. if all goes well, let's take a look at his journey so far. the drought is finally over. american pharaoh has taken the triple crown, a fete not accomplished by any thoroughbred in 37 yeersz. it was pure pandemonium as his owner's, the zayat family, watched
visit tripadvisor orlandondo tripadvisor not only has millions of real travelers reviews and opinions checks hundreds of websites so people can get the best hotel prices to plan, compare and book the perfect trip visit today >>> welcome back, everyone. we all know that when we give blood we are giving the gift of life to those who need it. >> quite literally. you are about to meet a man whose blood contains something so unique he has saved millions of lives. dr. sanjay gupta shares his story. >> reporter: on the surface james harris is an average guy. he loves his dog and grandchildren. he collects stamps. but it's what is under the surface that makes james extraordinary. >> i got nicknamed the man with the golden arm. >> reporter: specifically it's what is in his veins. james's golden arm from which he has donated blood every week for the last 50 years. >> in 1951 they removed a lung and i had 30 units of blood. >> reporter: at that time you had to be 18 to donate blood in australia. not long after, doctors called him with an idea. his blood could be the answer to a b
visit tripadvisor orlandondo tripadvisor not only has millions of real travelers reviews and opinionsf websites so people can get the best hotel prices to plan, compare and book the perfect trip visit today >>> now to a story wiggling its way out of northern australia. experts are urging queensland to keep up the research on a fish species that's been migrating south from papau new guinea. >> the perch, known for its ability to walk on land with fins is classified as a pest. a senior research scientist at james cook university explains why. >> actually able to pull themselves out of a water hole and move across land into the next water hole. they're eaten by larger fish, bird, and, they become lodged in those species. that's where the problem lies. >> the climbing perch can play fish out of water for up to six days. can you believe that? if it is picked up bay a fishing vessel that's enough team to make it to the mainland alive. and that could make it a threat to nativeto native speciesthere. >> buy izarre to watch. for nine months people in gaza lived in the ruins lef
tripadvisor orlandondo tripadvisor not only has millions of real travelers reviews and opinions but checks hundreds of websites so people can get the best hotel prices to plan, compare and book the perfect trip visit today >>> fear and paranoia in northern colorado as police investigate a third missteres you shooting there. authorities have not yet linked wednesday's killing of a 65-year-old man in loveland, colorado, to two earlier incidents, but no one will be surprised if there is a connection. police so far have determined that the shooting death of a cyclist in may, and the wounding of a motorist in april, were, in fact, connected. ramping up speculation of a serial shooter that may be stalking this area. our dawn simon joining us with the latest on this case. dan, you would think that through ballistics, perhaps, or maybe even witnesses or patterns, that the police would be able to tell us whether or not this third victim is the same as the first two, but are they guarding this information for some reason or just taking that long? >> i think it's taking time. we are here at the windsor police department where the interagency task force is meeting. this includes the fbi somewhere in a room behind me examining all the shootings including the third shooting that left a 65-year-old man dead. 65-year-old william, he was on a sidewalk just a couple blocks from his house, ashleigh, when he was gunned down, shot in the chest, all authorities are saying at this point is that there is a likeness to those other two shootings you talked about. but i have to tell you, ashleigh, these shootings, as you can imagine, they have this community absolutely unnerved. we spent part of our morning talking to residents to get a feel of what they're thinking and doing. this is just a sample of what we heard. take a look. >> it's pretty scary. everybody i've talked to, especially at work and my friends, we're very scared. i avoid i-25 as much as i can and my kids i make sure they're in the back seat of the car. and we actually we try not to ride our bikes in the morning or avoid being out late at night as well. >> what happened a couple nights, it reached more of a fervor pitch. people are more aware of it. there might be something going on and now there definitely is a feeling something is going on, that, you know, it's just a matter of time before it happens again. >> that is the real concern, people thinking this could happen again. of course that is what authorities are trying to prevent, but we should make it clear, they have not linked the third shooting to the other two. that's what people behind me, that's what these law enforcement officers are doing somewhere behind me to try to figure out. ashleigh? >> dan, just reminds me of october 2002. the washington area sniper and those people, what they said sounds exactly what the residents in the washington area were saying back then when john alan mu ham med and lee boyd malvea malvo were shooting people dead. the alleged terror plot in boston between isis inspired and isis directed might be getting blurred. next a former jihadest who turned to help against this problem about isis recruiting and how to beat it. by the way, about this particular man who was shot dead. now with the you can watch live tv anytime. it's never been easier with so many networks all in one place. get live tv whenever you want. the xfinity tv go app. now with live tv on the go. enjoy over wifi or on verizon wireless 4g lte. plus enjoy special savings when you purchase any new verizon wireless smartphone or tablet from comcast. visit to learn more. >>> i want to show you pictures that cnn just took in-house a few moments ago as the casket of beau biden, son of joe biden, actually at the roman catholic church for preparation for tomorrow's funeral service. there has been a lot of in the last two days. you might have seen some pictures of a legislative hall in dover where a memorial service was held, a thousand people, more than a thousand people, came out joe biden and bill biden hugged and kissed by so many people. this is the church where the funeral service will take place tomorrow. what's critical about this that is so touching joe biden has eulogized so many people and has been lauded for his skills in doing it but tomorrow he will not be eulogizing his son. the president of the united states, barack obama, will be doing that. i would like to show you the pictures as the casket arrived so that you can see for yourself. ♪ >>> we've been talking about the terror suspect in boston who took his isis inspiration according to the police so far as to make plans to kill people, behead people, here in this country. the way isis fighters do it overseas. i want to get mu bean sheikh, once a jihadist but turned to fight terrorism and co-wrote a book about his experiences. i want to ask you about this suspect in boston. an old friend came forward to say he knew things were changing with usaama rahim, but he only them to be changing because he was becoming more religious and to some people, that's a red flag. my question to you is, is it a red flag if someone is just becoming more pias or is it just that they're becoming more religious and how are we supposed to tell the difference? >> that's a very good point. it's really almost impossible to tell the difference. i mean, just because a person begins to pray more, grow the beard, maybe wear the islamic clothes, is not an indication that they're becoming more extremist, but sometimes as a person becomes more extreme, more fundamentalist, more rigid, literalist in their understanding they may also follow that up with the religious exterior. so by itself, it's not a sign, but when you attach it to others thing, other things like openly declaring support for isis, whether it's on-line or in real life, like with another person, they begin to declare other muslims as not muslim enough. they start to cut off other people that don't share their rigid world view. these are signs that a person is becoming more and more extreme. >> so what i found so bizarre about today is that originally, this man's brother came to his defense on his facebook page and said he was on the phone, shot in the back, his last words i can't breathe, and that turned out not to be true. the video proved such. we haven't seen it but we will in the days to come, and yet that same brother years ago, two years ago when tamerlan couldn't find a place to be buried because nobody wanted to be associated with the boston marathon bomber the same i man spoke out saying nobody wants to be associated with people that violent and yet he finds himself connected to this brother allegedly a jihadist. >> yeah. this is very tragic for him, the im imam. he was on point for the most part. i mean like the statements he said about the tsarnaevs, the brother was killed, but the unfortunate reality is that we wake up when it hits close to home. and that's what's happened for him. in the beginning, i think -- we're seeing this now with muslim activists trying to tie this into, you know, the black lives matter movement, especially coming in the context of police on black shootings, you know, the statement that i can't breathe, of course reminding us of eric garner and another case in which that happened, so i think he didn't want to believe it. i feel sorry for family members when they go through this because, you know, you don't know what your younger brother is doing. you don't know what your siblings, you don't know what they're doing in the confines of their home or when off with their friends, so i don't really blame him in that regard. i think he was being hyper defensive. but as we know, the police account is largely validated. >> and we will soon see the video that those other leaders in that community have seen and said corroborated what the police said. always good to see you, thank you. >> thank you. >>> since we are talking about families and families protecting or at least trying to protect, still ahead, lawyer versus lawyer in the case of josh duggar. and the old police reports that came out and were made public and whether they should ever have been made public. the duggars say they want to sue. can they? believe it or not there are two legal schools of thought here. out of 42 vehicles, based on 6 different criteria, why did a panel of 11 automotive experts, name the volkswagen golf motor trend's 2015 car of the year? we'll give you four good reasons. the volkswagen golf. starting at $19,295, there's an award-winning golf for everyone. dovisit tripadvisork. with millions of reviews and the best hotel prices... book your next trip at today. >>> boy has this been making headlines. the duggar family and the headlines aren't going away either. this time over the release of the police reports that detailed josh duggar's molestation of five young girls, he's admitted to this, he didn't go to court but admitted it, four of the girls were his sisters, one was a babysitter. among the family members outraged the scandal came to light are two of those sisters that josh touched inappropriately. >> they don't have a right to do this. this isn't -- we're victims. they can't do this to us. >> and yet they did. >> and they did. >> the system that was set up to protect kids, both those who make stupid mistakes or have problems like this in their life and the ones that are affected by the choices, it's just greatly failed. >> a county attorney is now on the record agreeing with those sisters. not just any county attorney, their county at
tripadvisor orlandondo tripadvisor not only has millions of real travelers reviews and opinions but checks hundreds of websites so people can get the best hotel prices to plan, compare and book the perfect trip visit today >>> on april 21st, 1995, timothy mcveigh is arrested and charged with the bombing of the alfred p. murrah federal building in oklahoma city. oklahoma attorney stephen jones is appointed as mcveigh's public defender. jones immediately rejects the possibility of an insanity defense. >> timothy mcveigh was not insane. he was rational. he was interviewed by several psychologists and psychiatrists and didn't have any obvious mental disorder or emotional disorder. >> the question comes up, why is a non mentally ill individual going to conduct a bombing which kills hundreds of people? >> i don't want people to misread what i'm about to say, but i was surprised at how affable and likable he appeared to be for a man who had killed 168 people in cold blood. >> reporters dan herbeck and lu michelle spent more than 7 0 hours interviewing mcveigh trying to gain some insight into what led him to become a domestic terrorist. by all accounts, an early turning point for mcveigh comes in 1988 when he joins the army. while stationed at ft. benning, georgia, he and his roommate michael fortier bond with their platoon leader nickles over a distrust of the federal government. >> mcveigh took an instant liking to him and loved hearing nichols spout off about his theories about government and politics. >> mcveigh serves during operation desert storm in 1991 and is awarded a bronze star for valor. during his service, he kills at least two enemy combatants. >> one thing he bragged about in saudi arabia in war he was a gunner on a bradley and told me one time about when he was shooting at a bunker and a guy came out waving his hands trying to surrender and stuff and mcveigh started shooting at him with .25 millimeter. he said there was 1,100 meters and the first round hit the guy in the head. >> after returning from the war, mcveigh hopes to join the special forces but quits because he's physically unprepared. >> one of mcveigh's goals from early on in entering the army was special forces. when it didn't work out for him with the special forces, he lost his focus. >> mcveigh is discharged from the army on december 31st, 1991. he begins to drift around the country taking odd jobs and attending gun shows. >> he was totally against any kind of gun control. he was totally in favor of government leaving people alone, and letting them do what they want to do. >> distrust of a large central government goes back to our independence. it is written into our constitution. the problem is when it's taken to it's extremes and timothy mcveigh was the extreme of that ideology. >> but he doesn't seem to be destructive until two tragic events in the early 1990s excite mcveigh to embrace violence. in august 1992, deputy u.s. marshals and fbi agents are involved in a deadly confrontation in northern idaho with an alleged white supremacist named randy weaver. weaver is suspected of selling illegal firearms. during an 11-day standoff, weaver's son, his wife and a deputy u.s. marshal are killed. then on february 28th, 1993, following a gun battle between the atf and members of a religious group called the branch davidians, federal agents lay siege to the group's compound near waco, texas. a suspected cache of illegal weapons is at the center of the controversy. >> mcveigh was just absolutely in a rage over both of those incidents, but the one thing that pushed him over the edge and turned him into a terrorist was the waco incident. >> at one point, mcveigh drives to waco to observe the siege. >> he went and parked his car nearby and selling anti-government pamphlets, giving interviews to at least one reporter back then about how much he distrusted the u.s. government. >> during an assault by the fbi on april 19th, the branch davidian come pound is engulfed by fire. at least 76 men, women and children die during the inferno. >> mcveigh told us that he was convinced that the u.s. government purposely murdered women and children at the waco compound. it was all part of an effort to destroy gun rights in america. >> the triggering moment was waco. he was there, and he decided that the government had gone too far. >> he was going to start his own war. >> and the first strike would be aimed at the heart of the country. for mcveigh and his army buddy terry nichols, targeting a government building was dramatic and symbolic. they chose the alfred p. murrah federal building in downtown oklahoma city which housed 14 federal agencies, including the secret service, the d.e.a., and the atf. >> mcveigh believed that his bombing would be the opening salvo in a conflict against an illegitimate tyrannical federal government that needed to be brought down to its knees. and an early morning mode. and a partly sunny mode. and an outside... to clear 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mixture. it's cheap, readily available and not particularly complicated to make. >> over the next few months, the two men start quietly gathering more components, including racing fuel, explosive charges, and 544 blasting caps they steal from a quarry in marion, kansas. then that december, mcveigh and michael fortier going to oklahoma city to case the murrah building. >> we know for certain that mcveigh examined multiple federal buildings. he, in particularly, scouted out the murrah building on multiple occasions. we know that because he took michael fortier directly to the murrah building and said after his examination of all the potential targets, this is the one he was going to hit. >> mcveigh picks april 19th as the date, known as patriots' day, it's revered by many in the right wing anti-government movement. >> on april 19th, you have the first shot fired at lexington in the american revolution. on that day, waco occurs in 1993. and then two years later, mcveigh blows up his truck bomb in front of the murrah building. >> at some point, fortier decides to not take part in the bombing. in fact, in a later plea bargain, he will agree to testify against co-conspirators. in march 1995 mcveigh creates a fake driver's license with the name robert d. kling and birth date of april 19th, 1972. on april 14th, mcveigh buys the yellow 1977 mercury marquis from a used car dealer in junction city, kansas. the next day, mcveigh reserves the ryder truck from elliots body shop using the robert d. kling alias. on april 16th, mcveigh and nichols drive the mercury to oklahoma city. mcveigh parks several blocks away from the murrah building. he removes the license plates from the car and leaves a note. not abandoned. please do not tow. will move by april 23rd. needs battery and table. two days later, mcveigh and nichols rendezvous near junction city where they assemble the bomb in the truck. >> the ammonium nitrate and fuel would have been mixed in some barrels, something akin to a 55 gallon plastic barrel. those barrels were then likely connected with this detonating cord which led to the boosters and ultimately that detonating cord would have come together where the detonators or blasting caps were. >> but at the last minute, terry nichols, like michael fortier, bails out. >> as time grew near to the time of the bombing, nichols got cold feet. he decided he didn't want to do that. he decided that was going too far. mcveigh screamed at him, threatened him, may have threatened to kill him. >> on the morning of april 19th, mcveigh, now on his own, drives the ryder truck into oklahoma city. at 8:57 a.m., security cameras at the regency tower apartment building a few blocks west of the murrah building catch the ryder truck parked across the street. investigators surmise this is when mcveigh lights the first fuse. a few minutes later, mcveigh moves the truck up, lights the second fuse and parks on the north side of the murrah building. he then exits the truck and begins walking rapidly to the yellow mercury parked four blocks away. at the federal building, the workday is starting. hundreds of people are already inside. >> explosion downtown. >> about a third of the building has been blown away. >> the whole front of the federal building is gone. >> mcveigh is only two blocks away when the bomb detonates, but he makes it to the getaway car and heads north on interstate 35 where he is soon stopped for driving a vehicle without tags. among the items found after his arrest is a business card for a military supply store. on the back is a handwritten note, "tnt at $5 a stick, need more." >> there's no question in my mind that timothy mcveigh wanted to get caught, wanted to become a martyr. wanted the u.s. government to execute him. he left a trail of breadcrumbs for federal agents. he was seeking the deluxe suicide-by-cop execution package. >>> as nearly 2,500 news people begin to settle in for the trial and we see no reason to stop. so cvs health is 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>> great. >> you have no complaints? >> nothing. they resolve every problem that i bring up. >> okay. so the situation here is a lot better than it was? >> day and night. >> good, good. >> in his distorted world view, his actions were a response to violence perpetrated by the government against its own people. >> defense attorney stephen jones knew a necessity case was unwinnable so he chose a different course, arguing that mcveigh was only part of a much larger conspiracy. >> the greatest mystery of the oklahoma city bombing case is who else, besides tim mcveigh, terry nichols, and michael fortier were involved? because there were most assuredly others. >> much of the speculation centers on the man reportedly seen with mcveigh at the truck rental company. known as john doe number two, the description did not fit either terry nichols or michael fortier. investigators concluded that john doe number two never existed. >> we found a gentleman that had been in there that generally fit the description of john doe number two but it turned out it had been on a different day. he'd been in there with a friend who had rented a ryder truck. so we now realize it was a misidentification of people transposing two different events and putting two different occurrences together. >> mcveigh swore to us over and over again that there was no john doe number two, no one was with him on the day of the bombing. >> the biggest misconception out there about the oklahoma city bombing, in my view, is this is something that sprang from the brain of timothy mcveigh, was masterminded by timothy mcveigh and substantially carried out by timothy mcveigh with very little help from terry nichols. >> if there were other people involved with the bombing, who were they? some believe there may have been a connection between mcveigh and elohim city, a so-called christian identity community in northeastern oklahoma, about 170 miles from oklahoma city near the arkansas border. >> it's essentially a religion that says white anglo-saxon americans are the true children of israel and jews are subhuman and essentially black people are not even human at all. >> during the early 1990s a number of far right extremist reportedly spent time in elohim city. >> this was an interesting time. you had a number of anti-government groups that were taking shape, arming themselves, building compounds throughout the country, establishing their own laws, really setting themselves apart from mainstream cities and locations on purpose and believing, then, that not only people of other faiths or ethnicities or nationalities were the enemy, but that the united states government was the biggest enemy. >> the question that recurs is what was the connection between tim mcveigh and elohim city? tim mcveigh said he never went there. there are people, however, who claim to have seen mcveigh at elohim city, and probably the strongest evidence that he was there is a ticket he received from an arkansas highway patrolman about four miles into arkansas from oklahoma on a road that takes you straight to elohim city, so if he wasn't at elohim city, where was he? >> timothy mcveigh made some calls to elohim city. he drove near the area, we know, but beyond that, any connection to elohim city or the notion that there were others involved is speculation heaped on top of speculation. >> but even assuming others were involved, why would mcveigh so strongly insist that he acted alone? >> he believed that in lying, he would protect the others, so they wouldn't be convicted. and he spun a series of lies to shield the others. >> i think it's possible that there were other people that helped along the way, but did not know they were helping with the bombing. but i believe that the only one who's actually knew what they were working on were the three men that were punished by the government. >> mcveigh, fortier and nichols. >> we got him. >> two years and 44 days after the worst terrorist attack on united states soil, a verdict has been rendered in the bombing trial of timothy mcveigh. >> on june 2nd, 1997, timothy mcveigh is found guilty on all 11 counts of murder and conspiracy. he is sentenced to death. >> outside the courthouse in denver, tears, smiles, and all emotions in between. >> later that year, on december 24th, terry nichols is also convicted. he is currently serving life at the federal supermax prison in colorado. for cooperating, michael fortier receives a 12-year sentence. he is now part of the witness protection program. >> people are going to remember timothy mcveigh as a murderer. not a martyr. >> on june 11th, 2001, timothy mcveigh is put to death at the federal correctional complex in terre haute, indiana. >> timothy james mcveigh has been executed by lethal injection. >> it is the first federal execution in 38 years. >> mcveigh, even at the point he was being executed, never flinched, never changed his mind. never expressed regret. but right to the point of his death, mcveigh sustained his belief and did not show remorse. look at that beautiful hotel on tripadvisorite? 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visit tripadvisor orlandondo tripadvisor not only has millions of real travelers reviews and opinions of websites so people can get the best hotel prices to plan, compare and book the perfect trip visit today >>> welcome back. take a look at some of the pictures around us at this moment. rosemary check it out. images i have shared on instagram. check out errol's window. what it looks like. >> there you go. although users probably assume they have right to these posts. in some cases they actually don't. now, an american photographer is causing quite a controversy by making a profit off of photos of strangers. richard prince blew up screen shots of other people's instagrams and hung them at an art fair in new york. >> the crux here is, almost all images were reportedly sold for a whopping $90,000 each. including this one here. the instagram user had this to say about prince when she found out. no i did not give my permission. and yes the controversial artist, richard prince put it up anyway. know i am not going to go after him. nope, i have no idea who ended up with it.
visit tripadvisor orlandondo tripadvisor not only has millions of real travelers reviews and opinionschecks hundreds of websites so people can get the best hotel prices to plan, compare and book the perfect trip visit today >>> we're back with our military and strategy experts. also joining us again, the former cia counter-terrorism phil mudd. should we work with bashir al assad to defeat isis. >> absolutely not. we should work to get the sunni and the kurds and the shia to work together. they don't want that and that is why they are pressing to go into shia cities. and we want to destroysal nusra and isis and not to keep in power a man who used chemical weapons against his own people. >> we cannot fix iraq and syria so that conditions for growth of isis or successors will not be there and for that we need the regional players, we need and saudi arabia and turkey and we need a settlement, a compact among the internal players, the tribes and the occurs and the regional players and that is the part that is missing that, has to be our long-term objective in order to defea
tripadvisor orlandondo tripadvisor not only has millions of real travelers reviews and opinions but checks hundreds of websites so people can get the best hotel prices to plan, compare and book the perfect trip visit today suseals out more food particles. so your food won't get stuck, and you can enjoy every single bite. eat loud, live loud, super poligrip. super poligrip holds your dentures tightly in place, so you never have to hold back. laugh loud, live loud, super poligrip. now back to "lockup." >>> due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. >>> prisons like the santa rosa correctional institution in florida can be dirty places. blood, sweat, feces and urine are part of the fabric of life here. the task of cleaning that fabric, the inmates' clothes and linens falls squarely on 18 inmates who work in the laundry fall. among them is michael james. >> we operate eight to ten hours a day. you know, we do a lot of different things here. i mean you got fight, stabbings, a lot of stuff that goes on here at santa rosa. it's a level 6 facility. >> some of the worst laundry comes from the close management units. >> violent inmates back there. you know what they're capable of. it's just a place you don't want to be. florida's most troublesome inmates all in one building. >> the most hazardous laundry is washed separately from all the rest. >> these yellow bags right here, these are the ones that usually come in. we usually don't open them until we stick them into the machine, you know. this is daily. the blood and stuff from cutters and suicide. >> armando doctor, the close management one inmate recently contributed to the latest load of yellow bag laundry when he deliberately cut himself inside his cell. the damage was so severe, he needed a transfusion to replace the blood he lost. two days later, he's cut again. >> see doctor is laid out on the floor. it appears doctor has a self-inflicted injury to his left arm. came up on the crill. he was unresponsive laying on the floor. it became necessary for us to do a life safety check. now he's sitting up restrained. medical has been notified. >> he's been doing this quite a while. probably about his fifth time he's cut. we've had to pull him out and deal with him this way, and it's getting to be about a monthly thing. >> what's going on with you? why you doing this? >> i tried to talk but nobody wanted to listen. >> who did you try to talk to? did you talk to mental health? >> i tried to get them -- they ignored me. >> did you clair a psychological emergency. >> yes, sir. i'm in fear for my life. >> from who? >> from -- >> who did? >> it looks like you should be in fear of your life from yourself. >> nurse in the building's, see if we can get him up into the wheelchair. >> work with me. get on your feet. watch your step, backing up. >> while inmate doctor has made serious allegations, mental health staff say this is not the first time. after several evaluations, they say doctor has ulterior motives for cutting himself. >> he's kind of noted for dog things like this if something doesn't go right for him. but what he's doing is not related to his mental health. it's, in my opinion, it's more manipulative. he's trying to get out of something, or he's using us as a way to manipulate the system. so we want to keep an eye on the cutting, because we don't want anyone to die, which he really doesn't want to die. but he could accidentally do it. >> it's a new cut. it's not the same cut as his old, as the previous one. it's a new cut on his left upper bicep up here that's fairly deep. >> ultimately, it's for some type of secondary gain. he's going to continue to do it until he gets what he wants or there's no way of telling. i have no idea what he's trying to get out of it. >> you threatening me. she threatened me. >> before doctor can be brought back to his cell, it has to be cleaned and disinfected and once again that job falls to houseman carlton williams. >> he did it again. they should have known from the get-go. he was trying to prove a point. >> this time officers have retrieved the object doctor used to cut himself. >> actually looks like a piece of razor blade. actually had a touch of his chin. >> after the cleanup, correction officers removed all things from his cell to prevent another cutting incident. >> it's not for punishment but for his own protection. so it's kind of going to be up to him how far this goes and we're here to actually protect him and we're just going to have to take it step by step. >> doctor will remain under observation for security and mental health staff and given back his mattress and other possessions once it's determined safe to do so. >> watch your head, doctor. listen to him. lay down. don't want you to get up, okay. >> i told you. >> i know you're going to be good. >> we're not going to leave you unattended. we will come by and check on him. they're very good at what they do and they will make sure that he will stay safe and we'll not allow him to seriously get harmed. >>> coming up -- >> the first time i cut i was in my teens. >> armando doctor explains his actions but then is confronted by correction staff. >> you said to me you got me. you got me, sarge. those were your exact words. you got me. why you going to tell them on camera something different? 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you know, that's one of the thing about doing time. nothing changes. >> jack hill finds working out to be the best remedy to the monotony of his life at the santa rosa correction's institution. >> part of the routine we do we'll come out here and walk laps on the track, some guys get into the basketball. me, i'm mainly -- i get into pull-ups, push-ups stuff like that. everybody's got their own little way of getting tension and aggravation -- this is your stress release right here. >> hill has spent most of the past 35 years in prison. besides a few releases on parole, he's had a couple of others of his own making. not long after his conviction for burglary and assault, he was participating in a work release program and escaped. >> i'm working outside. i met a girl. you know? you get to thinking with the wrong head, not thinking like you should. remember, now, you've got a young kid whose never had serious contact like that. she says i love you. i don't want you to leave. okay. let's go. right? jump in the car, we didn't come back. that was my first escape, big escape. i got caught that night down the road. a real crash dummy. >> a year later hill was back on work release. met another girl and hit the road again. >> from that point on until they got me, it was rock 'n' roll, i was on the run for almost a year. the first one, went to texas. you know? loved texas. went to vegas. left vegas. went to california. left california, went back to texas and left texas and came back to florida. left florida, come to california, then to alabama and s.w.a.t. team got me. >> hill escapes are from another florida prison. no one has ever escaped from santa rosa, but escape was one of the first things that crossed the minds of the staff when they came across a handmade key inside bowden's cell. >> handcuff key is like, you know, mainly for my defense. you know? having a handcuff key is not really usual but sometimes it's necessary, you know, theoretically speaking, you know? >> bowden who is serving a 21-year sense for armed robbery says this isn't the first time he's received a dr during his time in prison. a disciplinary report. >> i've had possession of a weapon dr, possession of a handcuff key. you know several disrespects. a couple fighting drs. during my seven years since i been incarcerated i felt about four of them confined. >> bowden was already in the prison's close management system when he was caught with the cuff key. >> stand right here. >> 0052. >> now he must face the institutional classification team or ict who could they change his status from close management level two to level one, the highest security level in the entire prison. >> you're currently in class management 2. your classification officer is recommending upgrade to class management 1. >> what were you planning to do with the handcuff key? >> sell it. >> had you sold one before? >> yes, ma'am. >> how much do you make for a handcuff key? >> about $15, $20. >> you do realize the danger that represents in a high security facility. >> yes, sir. >> for $15 or $20, not only to you but to other inmates and staff,as well? >> yes, sir. >> you realize the consequences? >> yes, sir. >> step out. >> bowden will wait outside, but it only take a matter of moments for the classification team to reach a decision. >> inmate, the institution classification team, we're going to recommend upgrading close management one. this recommendation goes to said classification, and they have the final decision. we're also approving a two-year visitation suspension. is there anything else you'd like to tell us? >> no, ma'am. >> already considered a high security inmate, an upgrade to level one means that bowden's existing privileges and movements will be even more restricted than before. armando doctor has been a close management one inmate at santa rosa for the past several months. >> i've had him for years since i've been here. it's been a constant struggle but he is one of the more extreme cases we've dealt with in his dorm as far as the constant cutting and the behavior. >> doctor's arms have only begun to heal since two cutting incidents weeks earlier. >> i wasn't thinking at the time. i was just aggravate. i was angry. i couldn't think of anything else. >> i've done it periodically off and on over the years when i felt that, you know, the situation, it got too tough, that i couldn't deal with it and i might have retaliated physically. so i took the physical retaliation out on myself. >> doctors says his squinting is the result of being poked in the eye while in the infirmary. one of several allegations he has made against staff. >> doctor's allegation against staff was never found warranted. it was checked, but unfounded. he was wanting to be moved out of the dormitory, so he was using those allegations against staff to try to dictate where he could live. >> while staff denies injuring him, doctor has been injuring himself since childhood. >> the first time i cut i was in my teens. growing up in foster care, i felt they had done me wrong taking me away from my family. you know? i wouldn't talk to nobody. i had a lot of good people that actually tried to take care of me, but my main problem was i never opened up, because at times when i tried, something always happened. so i always kept closed, and due to the fact that you're not my mother, you're not my father. you're not nobody in my blood line, i wouldn't talk and i wouldn't try to be a part of the family. >> since his latest cutting incident, doctor has moved back into his cell and has not received any further sanctions, because the prison does not issue them for self-injuries. >> he's got full property back, and he's allowed all of his outside activities. he was seen by mental health just recently the last few days. he's been doing pretty good. he's been real quiet since he came back this time. we haven't had any issues out of him. >> but the incident that apparently triggered doctor's cutting was a disciplinary hearing in which he was given additional time on close management level one for masturbating in public. doctor still denies doing so. >> i'm a muslim and we cannot carry ourselves in that manner. if we are alone and we have our thoughts to ourselves, that's another thing, but to openly do that, you know, it goes against what we believe in. so i had to leave that alone. >> don't tell them things that aren't true. >> sergeant mcmackin who was standing by remembers things differently. >> when i walked by you had your privates in your right hand, you dropped it, and you said to me, you got me, sarge, you got me. your exact words. you got me. why you going to tell them on camera something different? i caught you red-handed with it and you said, you got me. yeah, you d yeah, you did. >> i'm the officer that wrote the disciplinary report on him for the behavior. i physically saw him doing it. by the time i caught him, you know, he said, you got me, sarge. i'll sit down. i'll back away. listen to him telling you the opposite putting me out there on the front street knowing i was the one that caught him. he knew what he did. it didn't make me angry. i expect these inmates to be truthful and treat me the way i treat them. i don't treat them with irresponsibleably or disrespect them. i expect them to do the same for me. it's a respect issue for me. for him to do that right in front of me, it kind of struck a nerve. >>> coming up -- >> i think of what my dad told me back years ago. he said, don't never give up. >> jack hill's personal pledge. and jurez williams celebrates freedom. >> let them know that the bitch back. she's back for her crown. of all these household bugs - roaches, ants, and spiders. spectracide gives you year long control... of just roaches. their label says so. got more than roaches moving in? 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visit tripadvisor orlandondo tripadvisor not only has millions of real travelers reviews and opinionsundreds of websites so people can get the best hotel prices to plan, compare and book the perfect trip visit today >>> born in cleveland's juvenile detention centers, the heartless felons had grown to be a force within the cuyahoga county correction center. >> it was a little reminiscent of oliver twist. it was a group of kids, basically, that had formed this family-like pact and they would run amok doing their various crimes within the facility. and we'd all come back and kind of share the spoils of their criminal behavior. >> during our "extended stay" shoot, several inmates had food or phone cards stolen by the heartless felons. near the end of our time in cleveland, we joined the victim list as well. >> another day. >> another day on lockup. >> at the center of it all, pierre chatman, the first heartless felon we had met in the jail. >> one thing heartless felons, don't steal. we take something, we take it whale they there. we don't steal. something we don't do. >>
learn more at visit tripadvisor orlandondo tripadvisor not only has millions of realravelers reviews and opinions but checks hundreds of websites so people can get the best hotel prices to plan, compare and book the perfect trip visit today >>> more breaking news this morning. astounding security concerns. undercover agents managed to smuggle mock explosives and weapons through airport checkpoints 95% of the time. 95%. that's almost always. how does that happen? >> details of this widespread security failure coming to light after a new report from homeland security inspector general. let's bring in our aviation correspondent rene marsh to understand this. the number is startling no matter how you slice it. 95% of the time they made it through. what does this mean? >> it's a very troubling number. 95% nearly all the time. tsa failed a series of undercover tests to detect weapons and mock explosives at u.s. airports. now, this is all according to a government official who has seen this dhs inspector general report. so screeners failed nearly every time t
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visit tripadvisor orlandondo tripadvisor not only has millions of real travelers reviews and opinionsecks hundreds of websites so people can get the best hotel prices to plan, compare and book the perfect trip visit today >>> the fallout from dennis hastert's federal indictment has been nothing short of breathtaking in its swiftness. his alma mater wheaton college in suburban chicago, made the decision to drop the former house speaker's name from its government and economic center named for hastert more than seven years ago. this just days after a puzzling, i mean to say the least, puzzling seven-page indictment accusing denny hastert of lying to the fbi about $1.7 million in hush money that was paid to a mysterious so-called, quote, individual a. end quote. while strongly hinting of a deeper scandal. what's not clear is why the feds went after hastert in the first place. is there more to this prosecution than meets the eye or is it just about money and taking it out of the bank and bad patterns. i want to bring in our legal analyst danny se valleys and legal analyst j
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