to write constantly, and maniacally right which when we did the news service, the news service, trish hall, the op-ed editor of the new york times, never made money with the news service in other ways. we had 35 papers and they were all expecting every other day updates. we were writing 5, 10, 20 stories at night and they weren't great stories at all. just having to write so much all the time broke down the barrier between thinking and writing, thinking about the basics it is easier to make it fancy to enjoy your self which it works out well despite the fact we never made money at all but it was a good plan. >> host: you were writing on a manual typewriter. >> guest: we started with a manual typewriter, we were talking about this the other night at dinner. i was there for the transition between manual typewriters and computers and word processors. i really do think the texture of the writing changed when we changed the ways we inputted it and became much less dense, clearer, more crystalline. less thoughtful, less deep, don't know what it meant when it was different but it was different, t