college london mr moore ask it's good to talk to you thank you very much for your time going to tristram my work now you have indeed a very interesting field of study in researching buildings bits been architecture city environment and politics in the context of post communist eastern europe what do you make of russia particularly moscow in this regard yeah i mean the certainly a lot of politics in architecture and planning in moscow today the been planning also the sort of the construction in the in the planning of public spaces has been elevated more and more into a kind of priority issue. as you said quote if you're going to be interesting at the beginning there is also there's also a sort of there's a sort of a new wave of kind of social engineering as if there's a new wave of sort of of a kind of design that you can that you can engineer it's a certain type of consciousness or a certain type of human being through through architecture you know i'm a big fan of a soviet era memoirs and almost all foreign there is at that time described moscow as a gray gloomy a drab and welcoming. cd