sisters, the first week of lent has ended, and today , first sunday, is called the week of the triumph of orthodoxy. we find the origins of this holiday in the first centuries of christianity, after three fierce centuries of persecution by pagans under emperor constantine the great, it was established in the byzantine empire. it would seem that this should have served to usher in a prosperous, calm time for christians. however, during this period , false heretical teachings began to arise, distorting the teachings of the church, including heresy iconoclasm, whose followers denied the veneration of holy icons. however , the tradition of venerating holy icons... existed since ancient times in the christian church, it was based on the holy scriptures, and remained inviolable until the 7th century, but in 730, the byzantine emperor levi the isaurian, succumbed to the influence of the retics, banned the veneration of icons. then the orthodox, especially the monks, began to fight for the right to depict jesus christ on icons. the persecution of the orthodox was no longer by pagans, but by other christian