and truman wrote to one of his aides saying that congress was a trocar. [laughter] and the buck stops here was truman's. i'm jumping around a little bit. which is actually a sign that somebody, it's an illusion to poker and the buck, meaning the pot. and it actually was a friend of his had bought it from a prison gift shop where one of the prisoners had carved it on a piece of wood, and he hung it above the desk. but, again, there is eloquence. i didn't want really address presidential eloquence, but i think that, um, i was looking more for the phrases, the keywords. and the origins. i mean, it's interesting, i think i've got five pages in the book on new deal because this is franklin roose svelte's new program -- roosevelt's new program. and roosevelt, every one of his -- all of his aides, three of his aides actually claim that they invented the term. but roosevelt is meeting with one of mark twain's distant relatives, and he insists, tells twain's distant relative, um, that he got it from a connecticut yankee in king arthur's court in which the hero is