colleagues predict trumps imminent death there are some out there who are sharing it on president trojan aspinallfrom colbert and i just was same our heart goes out to covert. social media platforms even had to step in and take down the thousands of posts wishing trump dead i mean if twittering i would delete and contest against donald trump we know it's descended into chaos either way all those people who already dancing on traumas killed a grave need not worry because that chosen candidate might be the oldest democratic nominee ever but. he's in a for the long run he's. calling. thinkers. because as you know this is this is the right. just. because. it's so i can say is this is really building anticipation for the upcoming 3 peat debate which if you really think about it all things considered looks a lot like a presidential debate i cannot wait for november. global chemical weapons watchdog says it's ready to show russia the evidence it requested said prove not the shock was used to poison kremlin critical. they proceed w. also says it's ready to send a team to russia to work with local experts