they are both experts on the trokosi practice.f the abuses that go on in the shrine. sexual servitude was common, and many women will bear the children of the priests. i was liberated before puberty, so i didn‘t have to go through this. but i wanted to know why someone would serve time for another person‘s crime. it is believed that they have a right to select any member of their family to serve in the shrine, whether that person committed a crime or not. by the collective principles, they believe they are doing the right thing. when i left the shrine in 1997, there were about 5,000 trokosi women and children in ghana alone. thousands were liberated and trokosi was made illegal in 1998. but no priest has ever been prosecuted, and the practice still goes on. i meet back up with richard, the uber driver whose grandmother is still living as a trokosi. she is one of the few who became a trokosi after she married and had children. speaking to her, it seemed she is happy to be serving as a trokosi, because she believes it protects her f