this is, uh, the testimony of troshev’s neighbor.of the entrance on the very day when she discovered the still warm body of the murdered man good for you, hm? i knew that all the arrows would fall on me, so i ran away, but so what? he called me himself, offered peace , i took cognac, came, i came to make peace, went to the door, rang, the door was ajar, i went in, and he was already lying there, i tried to feel the pulse, but it was too late, i couldn’t do anything. do, ran away, and what could i do? if everyone in our store knew that we fought every time we met, what nonsense, we fought, whatever happened, happened, but we only fought once, i don’t know what happened there i don’t know who did it, but it wasn’t me, honestly , here, come in, make yourself at home, please find me at least something, as i understand it, they shot from here, but the motive for the murder was jealousy, personal enmity, cash they didn’t take it, but were there any valuables , well, how can i check, but they definitely didn’t take the cash, but hello, hell