name is troy alderson. how do you avoid getting burned out? you have to do a cartoon everyday. >> bert had this thing for calvin hobbes. some have taken breaks. the one thing that is similar with them is they were not political cartoonists. if you do a comic strip, you have a few characters and you create a world and reside in the world and will live in the world the rest of your life. for us, we have the best scriptwriters working for us in washington. they are giving us new material, plus we're doing something because of the conversation we're doing with the audience and are dealing with very serious thing sometimes, we get to vent. i think there is an additional element for us as well. i think it gives us a lot of juice. mike makes it sound really easy. he talks about the panic side of it, and i completely understand it. all the neurons have to be operating to do this. you can become really exhausted at the end. there is a concern, do i have 12,000 heart tunes in this ? can often cause a little bit of a panic. thathing is that for all it ta