for more on trump's economic agenda, we go live to troy iwata. applause] troy, that tic tac thing was so weird, right? >> you know what, you're weird, desi. because donald trump is absolutely right. this is a real problem. this box of tic tacs is big. and this one is small. and that's inflation. >> desi: um, no, i don't think so, troy. those are just two different sizes they sell at different prices. that's not inflation. >> no, desi, it is inflation. i took economics 101, which i never slept through sometimes. there are examples of inflation in any grocery store. for example, this is soda, okay? and this is soda. thanks, inflation. >> desi: troy, those are just two different sizes of soda. >> and the bigger one is more expensive! >> desi: yeah, right. >> okay, you're not getting it. how about this? i bought this bag of chips last week. today, i went back to the same aisle and instead of chips, it's toilet paper? joe "biden?" more like joe "single-ply-den." >> desi: the store probably just rearranged things. those are different products, troy. >>