joined by christina cnbc, troy wolferton. what's your feeling as everyone begins to worry ever so slightly? >> my prediction is the market is not going to be where it is today. things are going to look different. we're going to deal with them. i come from argentina. i had to deal with a lot of recovery and busts and bubbles of any sort. we're going to be fine. especially for what we do, venture capital. we don't care that much about the short term. we're investing and partnering with entrepreneurs, thinking that they're going to build great companies the next decade. as long as we keep focus on building value long term, we're going to be fine. >> do you see entrepreneurs thinking recession is coming, maybe sales won't be so good next year, let's raise a bigger round than we would have done otherwise to get through the next couple of years as they perceive as potentially rocky? >> we do. we're seeing a lot of that, entrepreneurs raising a lot of money just trying to prepare in case something happens. that's also a line with a