. >> moyers: so, tru lieberman, is it waterloo or no watloo, is that e question? >> waterloo for who? whether it's waterloo for the american people, who an't going tor may not get a resolution othis, and they certainly do need some hp along the way th health care. or is it, say, a polital question for the president >> moyers: well, the replicans have made it thiweek, clearly and sharply, a political challee to him. >> think it's going to be interesting toee what happens. a lot of people have saithis is a do or die iss for the president. that's certainly... that rhetoric certainly hadn't be coming up really bore the last several eks. >> and i wld say, on the politics first, that it something of a werloo. in the sense that ife doesn't get it right, he's going to president for three moreears. d the chickens wl come hom to roost. >> moys: how so? >>o... well, it can... the failurcan show up before he's outhe door. and then he's got a al problem. he w right in his press conference, when he taed about st as the central issue. and he said, if we don't ctrol cost, not onl