so, truchon at the time, the 21 and 18 year old brothers said that they found their parents when they arrived home. >> they would later admit that they were behind the trigger shooting them while they watched television at home. >> they raped me. >> did you cry? >> yes. >> were you scared? >> very. >> did you ask him not to? >> yes. >> how did you ask him not to? >> i just told him i don't. >> during their first trials, the brothers said allegations of sexual abuse by their father were what led them to kill, which resulted in two hung juries. a new trial where those claims were largely limited by a judge, ended with a guilty verdict and a life sentence without parole. >> they have been in prison for nearly 35 years. i believe that they have paid their debt to society. >> if this is approved by a judge, the next step would be that they would have a parole hearing and it would be up to the california parole board. >> former assistant l.a. district attorney josh ritter says gascon was under a lot of pressure to make today's decision, and says he has a lot of opposition from inside the da