sounds kind of he still serves as art rocks to regular trucial. since the minute minutes in hamas has had lady doctors tested. sense. hundred hundred and how to set a suitable tests that have been. killed. six six now how how dirty thirty saudi money has had very hard but i don't. later thursday. night sure show that goes with it is as actor. yes all. restaurants [inaudible] the name. get out and live more than one hundred others have die. go. to restaurants who's who's [inaudible] we got. john stossel phenomenon [inaudible] these restaurants. and i can i can. rescue operation reasons room done died i day the hope of finding what i write radiating. the book made made hearing hearings have double double has has city. regulatory area located in the north north ten ten yeah yeah. small moans often on hand because i there. in. nineteen ninety nine six six mainly. by five hundred one why was i was abable. nineteen niney nine i believe havave had pe ale does does if you. try to do the philippines there's also a daily and on line line story. its initial