which seems perfectly trume bute all pretending is going co-come out of this is this. >> wants to expand social security and expand medicare despite the fact that in 14 to 16 years they are both going broke. >> let's take step back here. i'm not going to argue that donald trump has the clearest plan. in fact some of his elements. look, he hates free trade, which is a clear economic driver. so some of his stuff is goofy, to be hobbs. but in the macro view we know what hillary wants to do. it is a ra ray for us to give our hard earned money to the government to spend as they see fit with no return out there. how many shovel ready projects have we seen the fruition. i bet you could drive around and everyone here on the panel could say zero. yes she wants another dwight eisenhower. we know that government spending is inept. corrupt, wasteful. the other laughable part is she said clearly reform our tax code so the wealthiest pay their fair share. does she not know what we're doing now. the wealthiest don't pay their fair share. they pay more than their fair share. they paid an average tax rat